Susan McGinnis is an Independent Saddle Fitter
Specializing in Dressage and Jumping saddles.
Specializing in Dressage and Jumping saddles.
If you are looking for either a new or used Dressage or Jump saddle, we can help you find the right one for you and your horse. Or we can help you with saddle service, like flocking, billets replacement, or tree adjustment (on adjustable trees only). Check out our Service & Fees page for more details.
Call to schedule a Dressage or Jump Saddle Demo Appointment and try the best saddles in the industry! Your horse will thank you! See our Saddle Gallery page to see some inspiration!
We also sell consignment saddles of all makes and models as well as offering new Bridles, Girths, Saddle Pads, Bling Browbands, Stirrup Leathers, Belts and more. Check it out on the Other Products page!
Contact us to schedule an appointment to come to you!